Zoneminder 1.26 false alarms on webcam disconnects

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Zoneminder 1.26 false alarms on webcam disconnects

Post by xiolo »


I am running ZM 1.26.4 (from ppa:iconnor/zoneminder), with a couple of Foscam FI8918W network cams.

I am aware of one of the webcams being in a slightly difficult spot wireless wise, as I am getting this message from to time on "wireless disconnects" (and lose ping connectivity for a very short while):

2013-11-11 15:29:20.585114 zmc_m1 29372 WAR Unable to capture image, retrying zm_remote_camera_http.cpp 1092
2013-11-11 15:29:20.528627 zmc_m1 29372 ERR Connection dropped by remote end zm_remote_camera_http.cpp 969
2013-11-11 15:29:20.494378 zmc_m1 29372 WAR Select timed out zm_remote_camera_http.cpp

I am OK to live with such wireless shorts disconnects, but what annoys me is the fact that motion alarms are raised (I guess because ZM cannot capture the frame, and I get a red section from the red frame within the active zone?). So I created a small preclusive zone, thinking this might prevent false active alarms, but I am still getting alarms when such disconnects happen.

Is there any way to prevent ZM to create false motion alarms when I lose connections to the webcam? Isn't the purpose of preclusive zones to prevent alarms to be generated when "motion" is also detected within this zone?

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Joined: Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:39 pm

Re: Zoneminder 1.26 false alarms on webcam disconnects

Post by fastolfe »

I think a disconnection itself is also cause to trigger an alarm, independently of motion. Possibly this could be a configurable option. The way I've solved it with my cameras is to increase the Alarm Frame Count in the Buffers tab to 2. The disconnection alarm seems to only hit one frame.