First off – This device has 4 fixed views and 4 variable views. The 4 fixed views are listed below along with their Remote Host Path for the Source tab of ZM
Overview - /mjpg/video.mjpg or /mjpg/1/video.mjpg
Panorama - /mjpg/video.mjpg?camera=2 or /mjpg/2/video.mjpg
Double Panorama - /mjpg/video.mjpg?camera=3 or /mjpg/3/video.mjpg
Quad - /mjpg/video.mjpg?camera=4 or /mjpg/4/video.mjpg
The 4 variable views are listed below along with their Remote Host Path for the Source tab of ZM
Feed 1 - /mjpg/video.mjpg?camera=5 or /mjpg/5/video.mjpg
Feed 2 - /mjpg/video.mjpg?camera=6 or /mjpg/6/video.mjpg
Feed 3 - /mjpg/video.mjpg?camera=7 or /mjpg/7/video.mjpg
Feed 4 - /mjpg/video.mjpg?camera=8 or /mjpg/8/video.mjpg
These variable feeds also have PTZ controls and apart from the normal stuff to make PTZ work these require an additional parameter to identify the feed so this is what I’ve done
Used the Control Device field in the Control Tab to add:-
&camera=5 (For Feed 1)
In the Control Address field enter:-
and changed this line in sendCmd subroutine of from:-
Please note I've had to reverse the slashes in this code to fool the off-site links filter
Code: Select all
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET=>"http:\\".$self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress}."$cmd" );
Code: Select all
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET=>"http:\\".$self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress}."$cmd".$self->{Monitor}->{ControlDevice} );