New install -already running apache- linking zm conf?
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:59 am
I plan on installing zoneminder on kubuntu 13.10 which I've already installed apache from source. I've configured apache and now know the various ins and outs of the apache config files and settings. The server is currently up and running a .pl out of cgi-bin directory. This was a long walk for a linux newbie but was fun I guess? Is this fun?
The instructions to install zm from a .deb (which would be a nice and easy change ) state that I need to; "Link Apache by - sudo ln -s /etc/zm/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/zoneminder.conf". In reading that I assume that there is a apache config file called zoneminder.conf that will take over the settings of my server. I don't think I want to do that as I have my config dialed in and content nicely running out of the 'normal' apache locations.
SO here is my quesiton, If I install from a deb package is there a way to define my cgi-bin and webdir? OR can I simply move the s to the current directories without "linking apache to zm"? As I haven't seen the scripts (8?) I'm not sure how that would work.
I have a feeling installing from source is really the direction I should go as;
"... ./configure --with-webdir=<your web directory> --with-cgidir=<your cgi directory> where --with-webdir is the directory to which you want to install the PHP files, and --with-cgidir is the directory to which you want to install CGI files. These directories could be /var/www/html/zm and /var/www/cgi-bin for example."
Plus it will be another learning session. If I install from source will I have to install mysql separately and learn that as well? more fun?
The instructions to install zm from a .deb (which would be a nice and easy change ) state that I need to; "Link Apache by - sudo ln -s /etc/zm/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/zoneminder.conf". In reading that I assume that there is a apache config file called zoneminder.conf that will take over the settings of my server. I don't think I want to do that as I have my config dialed in and content nicely running out of the 'normal' apache locations.
SO here is my quesiton, If I install from a deb package is there a way to define my cgi-bin and webdir? OR can I simply move the s to the current directories without "linking apache to zm"? As I haven't seen the scripts (8?) I'm not sure how that would work.
I have a feeling installing from source is really the direction I should go as;
"... ./configure --with-webdir=<your web directory> --with-cgidir=<your cgi directory> where --with-webdir is the directory to which you want to install the PHP files, and --with-cgidir is the directory to which you want to install CGI files. These directories could be /var/www/html/zm and /var/www/cgi-bin for example."
Plus it will be another learning session. If I install from source will I have to install mysql separately and learn that as well? more fun?