New ZM Install on Ubuntu 13:10?
Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:14 pm
I'd like to perform a ZM install on Ubuntu 13:10, but having seen the following warning in the ppa it put me off until more research could be done. ... on_changes
Also looking at the GitHub source code, Isaac authored some changes from the 'mysql2PDO' branch. The Ubuntu 12:04 change log said:
Would I be better off waiting for 1.27.1 to be released as a ppa due to all the benefits that gives? If so how long are you looking at until it's released please?
This wiki page indicates it may be possible to have ZM working on 13:10ZoneMinder currently does not work on 13.10 or newer, due to mysql support in PHP being deprecated. ... on_changes
Also looking at the GitHub source code, Isaac authored some changes from the 'mysql2PDO' branch. The Ubuntu 12:04 change log said:
Does this imply that I could compile ZM from source on my Ubuntu 13:10 and it'll work?+zoneminder (1.27.1-1) precise; urgency=low
+ * Convert from php mysql ext to PDO
Would I be better off waiting for 1.27.1 to be released as a ppa due to all the benefits that gives? If so how long are you looking at until it's released please?