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No Signal Loss Alarm Event

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:27 am
by a_aguas

the changelog of 1.24v mentions that this version includes the detection of 'signal loss' for locally attached cameras and that in case of signal loss, a 'signal loss event' would be recorded.

In my case (1.25V) if any of the cameras is disconnected, the monitor image turns black, the camera source color changes to red and there is a notification log:

Code: Select all

2014-03-31 11:15:05.332961	zma_m4	3124	WAR	Signal: Lost	zm_monitor.cpp	1190
2014-03-31 11:15:05.293783	zmc_m4	3164	WAR	Unable to capture image, retrying	zm_remote_camera_http.cpp	1092
2014-03-31 11:15:05.285935	zmc_m4	3164	ERR	Connection dropped by remote end	zm_remote_camera_http.cpp	920
2014-03-31 11:15:05.277279	zmc_m4	3164	WAR	Select timed out	zm_remote_camera_http.cpp	143
However, in case of signal loss, a 'signal loss event' is not recorded so i don't get any notification.

This feature needs to be activated in the ZM options?


Re: No Signal Loss Alarm Event

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:07 pm
by a_aguas

Re: No Signal Loss Alarm Event

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:17 pm
by Nerre
I don't know for sure, but maybe signal loss only works for local cameras though a video capture card? So it won't work for IP cameras or even USB cameras?