Think I found a bug in Panasonic PTZ

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Joined: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:35 am

Think I found a bug in Panasonic PTZ

Post by davidsmoot »

I spent this weekend rebuilding my zoneminder install after I shot myself in the foot with my personal server.

I found what appears to be a bug, not sure where to report. I'll be happy to provide debug information if someone wants to pursue.

I am running 0.27 from the wiki page on a 64 bit Ubuntu 12.04 mythbuntu based host.

I have two panasonic BLC-210A PTZ cameras on my network along with some other network cameras.

I configured control for both cameras identically except for their unique IP's. First camera PTZ did not work. Second camera PTZ works. I carefully went tab by tab and double checked settings several times. I restarted zoneminder. I disabled and re-enabled control. I rebooted both cameras. I tried everything I could think of. Finally in desperation I made another monitor entry for the camera that was refusing to respond to PTZ. Magically PTZ works on the second copy. I double checked the monitor configuration tab by tab and they are identical, no trailing spaces or whitespace differences. But one works and the other does not.

I have a working setup so I don't really need it fixed. If you guys want to ignore this report and chalk it up to "stuff happens" that is fine by me. But I am grateful for the ZM package so if you want some config files or access to my system to debug, I will be happy to oblige.

If there is a more appropriate bug reporting tool, let me know.

Duh, you would probably want the error from the log:
"error check failed: '500 no host option provided' zoneminder"