(SOLVED) - ZM only works for 10 cameras, of source type file

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(SOLVED) - ZM only works for 10 cameras, of source type file

Post by hesral »


I have installed zm on ubuntu server 64b v13.10. The computer is an old 1 core celeron 2.0GHz, with 1GB ram.

I have made a python script, that downloads jpeg2000 cctv images from a Sanyo DSR 5716 dvr, converts them to jpeg, and stores them in sorted folders under /tmp. There are 16 cameras in use one the dvr.

I have set up zm to use these files as monitors, using the file source type. This works beautifully for the first 10 cameras, although slowly. About 5 secs between each frame change for each camera. Jpeg2000 images are slow to convert, and with zm running on top, things are not exactly flying. But things seems to work for these first 10, as I can watch cameras live, and alarms are created and stored correctly.

The last 6 cameras in the list goes red under source in the console window. If I delete one of the 10 monitors that work, the first of the 6 red monitors go green, and start working. My first thought here was shared memory, but after increasing shmmax to 128mb and rebooted, nothing changed in zoneminder. cat...shmmax shows my new value, so zm should have more shared memory, if I understand this stuff correctly.

I tried halving the framerate settings in monitor->general on the working cameras, but no more monitors went green.

the log says:
'zmwatch.pl ' crashed, signal 134
'zmc -m 15' crashed, signal 134

and stuff like that. Does anyone know what is meant by signal 134?

My problem seems to be resource related, but I can't really figure out what. Why do I only get 10 working cameras, even though I am tweaking the resource dials?

I hope someone can help me here, because I get blasted with every page ever created about zoneminder, when I'm googling "zoneminder source type file". And I get nothing of value on "signal 134".
Last edited by hesral on Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 44
Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:11 pm

Re: ZM only works for 10 cameras, of source type file

Post by hesral »

Ha, apparently there is something called buffers, that you may tweak for each camera:)

Got all 16 cameras working now. I halved all options under buffers for each monitor. Did the trick. The frame updates are so slow anyway, so I don't need to keep that many images in memory.

I got the idea when I got buffer overrun warnings on another zm I am running, with similar setup. The warning mentioned "ring buffers". I never found a "ring buffer" option, but I found out what was kept in it. My best bet was to reduce stuff that goes into the ring buffer, and one after the other, the red monitors went green. I vote for someone brainy to explaining this "ring buffer"-thingy in the wiki.


Is there some way to make this "solved" or something? I'm pretty new to this forum business.