Cannot initialize MySQL databases

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Cannot initialize MySQL databases

Post by olivier2553 »


Trying to run Zoneminder 1.25 (default port on FreeBSD).

When I try to create the MySQl tables I am facing several issues:

1) ERROR 1366 (HY000) at line 521: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'Id' at row 1
Because the field Id is defined as not null.

2) same error for the column Id of MonitorPresets at line 521

3) More important: the line 541 of db/zm_create.sql generates the error:

ERROR 1366 (HY000) at line 541: Incorrect integer value: 'simple' for column 'Channel' at row 1

The line 541 is:

INSERT INTO MonitorPresets VALUES ('','Axis IP, 320x240, mpjpeg','Remote','http','simple',NULL,NULL,NULL,'<ip-address>',80,'/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?resolution=320x240',NULL,320,240,3,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,100,100);

and the table MonitorPresets is:

mysql> show columns from MonitorPresets;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| Id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| Name | varchar(64) | NO | | | |
| Type | enum('Local','Remote','File','Ffmpeg') | NO | | Local | |
| Device | tinytext | YES | | NULL | |
| Channel | tinyint(3) unsigned | YES | | NULL | |
| Format | int(10) unsigned | YES | | NULL | |
| Protocol | varchar(16) | YES | | NULL | |
| Method | varchar(16) | YES | | NULL | |

Where Channel is the fifth column, of type integer and cannot be assigned the value 'simple'

I don't know what to do after that.

