hi guys
I'm tring an AXIS P7216 Video Encoder
but I've got some problems...
PATH = /mjpg/video.mjpg?&camera=X&resolution=720x576&fps=10
with this path I can get only 1 stream (tried X = 1 to 16 but just the first works).
the retailer told me axis said that the encoder is different from Axis IP Cameras
and the stream is not available... but It sounds so strange... has anyone ever tried it?
what about a synectics E1200?
http://www.synecticsuk.com/images/pdfs/ ... -e1200.pdf
if synectics E100 is compatible (http://www.zoneminder.com/wiki/index.php/Synectics_E100)
this should be the same, I hope...