Increasing alarm sensitivity
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:55 am
I've searched the forums for an answer and tried numerous combinations but can't seem to figure out what I need to do to increase the sensitivity on my zone so that it picks up more motion activity and records the event. I'm trying to record motion of my child in his crib at night to see how well he slept, but the motions coming from his crib are not triggering an alarm. The only time I really get an alarm triggered (and a saved event) is when my wife or I enter the room. I tried turning off the blob ALARM CHECK METHOD and tried the other 2 pixel methods but that hasn't helped. I tried both presets with "high sensitivity" but neither work out that well. I've tried creating a specific zone just on the crib, but that did not help. Possibly I did not configure it correctly? Can anyone help me set my sensitivity so high that it picks up the slightest movements in the crib? From reading the forums, it appears others have too many false alarms, but I can't get enough! Thanks in advance.