I don't think you can. I skipped that bit, in case it was too much for your case
Mostly I don't create videos from events. When I do ... the nearest I found was to do this (this may not work for you, depending on if you use the Archive facility...)
1) Make a new filter to make a video from any file older than 7 days that is also tagged for archiving.
"Archive Status equal to Archived Only" and "Date/Time less than 7 days ago" <-- this means OLDER THAN 7 days
"Sort by date/time ascending" <-- so they come out in order!
Tick "Create Video"
Then click "Save" and select "Run Filter In Background"
2) put the FFMPEG options as I said above, but do this ... /`date -d "-7 days" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%N"`.avi ... instead. Which gives you the date 7 days ago.
3) I manually tag any events I want to be created as a video with the "Archive" tag. In 7 days (from the date of the event), it will be turned into a video. You have a 7 day window to decide to go back and mark something as "interesting".
4) Create a rule to kill off events that didn't end up a video (purge when old, part 1)
"Archive Status equal to Unarchived Only" "and Date less than 7 days ago"
"Limit to first 50 results only" <-- reduce load on machine
and tick "Delete All Matches"
Then click "Save" and select "Run Filter In Background"
5) And then "Purge Archived When Old" (purge when old part 2) to delete events that WERE made into a video, the video is left behind in /your/chosen/location
"Archive Status equal to Archived Only" "and Date less than 14 days ago"
and tick "Delete All Matches"
Then click "Save" and select "Run Filter In Background"
You can adjust the "7 days" and "14 days" above as needed, but bear in mind that if you turn it down too far, an event (say 3 days ago) that suddenly becomes relevant will be GONE
The filters run every 9 mins? so you will find the time and date (filename) will be to within a few mins of the time of the event, but will definitely be sorted into the right order. The T&D embedded in the picture will be accurate.
If there's a better way, someone let me know