Hello Guys,
I am fighting very much with my Zoneminder setup.
Its very slow and as soon I want to have a live view of my 2 cameras it stuck quite often and show a blue question mark.
Anyway I have a question about Auth Relay, as soon as I switch to "none".
I don't get (that often) "Unable user authentication" messages and I can access live view easier (It doesn't stuck that often).
BUT my iOS zmview App crashes as soon as I click to connect to that server.
If I switch back to Auth Relay "hashed" zmview App works fine, but i get a lot of "unable user authentication" messages.
Very stupid...
Is there a proofed way how to use the App and the see live stream?
My System:
Debian 7.8
ZM: 1.25.0
2 Cameras (Edimax IC-3115W) connected via http using ffmpeg