I'm trying to connect an IP camera to ZM running on a Raspberry Pi.
Camera: ipccam
By using the URL : /web/cgi-bin/hi3510/param.cgi?cmd=snap&-chn=1&-continue=1&-getpic , I get the camera image on a web browser but this URL doesnt work on my ZM.
The camera doesnt support the standard URLs such as /videostream.cgi or snapshot.cgi, thus I need to figure out what'a the right configuration.
Hope somebody has figured it out already... if you did please let me know how you did it!
IP camera with RPi
Re: IP camera with RPi
Are you sure you can not get a video stream?
Googling "hi3510" ggave me this page: http://www.instar.com/faq_cgi_hd
Googling "hi3510" ggave me this page: http://www.instar.com/faq_cgi_hd