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rtsp foscam FI9804P Works in VLC and ffmpeg but not zm

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:28 am
by 3gem
I have a Foscam FI9804P. When I run the following command from the terminal they work fine:
ffmpeg -i rtsp://user:pass192.168.0.189:88/videoMain -r 30 -vcodec copy -an -t 10 test44.mp4
or within VLC.

Settings in ZM are as follows:
Source:Source Path =rtsp://user:pass@
Source:Remote Method=RTP/RTSP
Source: Target =32 bit
Source: Capture 1280x720

I get the following error in the ZM log:
Unable to open input rtsp://user:pass@ due to: Operation now in progress

libvlc throws file errors.


Re: rtsp foscam FI9804P Works in VLC and ffmpeg but not zm

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:40 am
by bbunge
Are you using your admin user and password? If not do so.

Try 1280x640 resolution

What version of Linux and ZM (assumed 1.28.x)

Re: rtsp foscam FI9804P Works in VLC and ffmpeg but not zm

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:55 am
by 3gem
It was the resolution. Changing Capture height to 640 did the trick. Worked with both admin password and operator password.
Yes I am using 1.28.x on ubuntu 14

Re: rtsp foscam FI9804P Works in VLC and ffmpeg but not zm

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 3:40 am
by Ruckus
Ok i'm in the same boat, i've googled and read and tried pretty much everything, i can not get this camera to run in ZM, but i have 1.25 as i'm running it on a Rpi 2B raspbian wheezy which is the latest version available via apt-get.

Is it just that it wont work on 1.25 or does anyone have any ideas for me to try?