As of release 0.83 push notifications are fully supported for both iOS and Android.
You need the latest event server from here
Enabling push notifications is easy. Just follow these steps. The push notification server is running at my home, so please be kind with the amount of pushes you do. I strongly encourage you to use reporting interval filters (new feature starting zmNinja 0.83)
HERE is a demo on an android phone lying around.
HERE is a demo on an iPhone
For this to work, you need to :
- install the new Zoneminder event server HERE and have it configured and running. Make sure you enable push proxy and read its instructions.
- Configure zmNinja to use the event server - the URL MUST be of the format wss://<hostname or ip>:<port>. Unless you change something the hostname is the same as ZM's hostname and port is 9000
- Make sure the event server is reachable from the phone (if that means opening up a firewall port, then please do so)