Swann CONHD-B3MPB2-US 2pack 3mp cameras from Costco - WORK!
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:37 pm
http://www.costco.ca/Swann™---1080p-2-P ... 48894.html
Costco model #733836
Cameras show up as SWNHD-825 CAM.
I've been able to connect to these cameras by going to http://cameraip/ and using admin/12345 as user/password.
They work in vlc and offer telnet and ssh as well.
rtsp://CAMERAIP:554//Streaming/Channels/1 for FFMPEG
rtsp://IPADDRESS:554/live/h264 for VLC
These are a great buy at $299 CDN, as they come with 2x100ft Cat5e.
I've tested these running Zoneminder 1.26 on Ubuntu 14.04.3 on a VM, running on Windows 7. LOL!
They will be installed on
My system;
Ubuntu 14.04.3
3.13 kernel
Zoneminder 1.28
Intel i5
16gb ram
20tb raid 6
Sas to sata expander
Costco model #733836
Cameras show up as SWNHD-825 CAM.
I've been able to connect to these cameras by going to http://cameraip/ and using admin/12345 as user/password.
They work in vlc and offer telnet and ssh as well.
rtsp://CAMERAIP:554//Streaming/Channels/1 for FFMPEG
rtsp://IPADDRESS:554/live/h264 for VLC
These are a great buy at $299 CDN, as they come with 2x100ft Cat5e.
I've tested these running Zoneminder 1.26 on Ubuntu 14.04.3 on a VM, running on Windows 7. LOL!
They will be installed on
My system;
Ubuntu 14.04.3
3.13 kernel
Zoneminder 1.28
Intel i5
16gb ram
20tb raid 6
Sas to sata expander