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Help! Disaster! Can't reinstall 1.27.x after accidental removal

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:41 pm
by TheKorn
Shoulda left well enough alone, but... decided to untwist the whole "ffmpeg is dead, use libAV" coup cluster**** debacle that shipped with ubuntu 12.04LTS. I ran the install script located here:

Unfortunately that script has all the safeties off, and I noticed a shade late that apt was going to uninstall zoneminder since it has ffmpeg as a dependency.

FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUu.... you get the idea. Unfortunately apt was faster than my reading and hitting control-c. So... old install of zoneminder 1.27.(can't remember) nuked. Great. Wonderful.

OK, no problem... just go and do an apt-get install zoneminder, should fix everything, right?

Er, um, no. Not even close.

First I snapshotted the filesystem with all my zm events and images. So they're all safe and sound, and I can roll back the file system if things should go south.

Then I exported the existing zoneminder database to a file. So between the filesystem snapshot and the database dump, I can pretty much recover from just about anything as long as I can get zoneminder to actually install.

Next, I did an apt-get update. Not looking so good:

Code: Select all

W: Failed to fetch  404  Not Found
W: Failed to fetch  404  Not Found
W: Failed to fetch  404  Not Found
So... how do I get zoneminder 1.27.whatever back? If I do an apt-get install zoneminder at this point, since the iconnor ppa looks dead it pulls zoneminder from the precise repo which is all the way back at 1.25.

I tried following the easy docker install for 1.28 in the wiki, but that was just a giant clusterf*** as my mysql has other databases in it (not to mention my apache instance!) and I really don't want to have to run mysql regular and a separate docker instance of mysql just for zoneminder. But I can't seem to find any instructions on how to install/run the docker version of zoneminder without the docker mysql dependency. (I've since uninstalled docker since zm is the only thing that uses it that I would possibly run.)

Help! Looking for good ideas here!

Thanks in advance!

Re: Help! Disaster! Can't reinstall 1.27.x after accidental removal

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:09 pm
by TheKorn
Why is it every time I write a message I figure out the answer on my own five minutes later?

Oh well, in case anyone else has this happen to them, apparently the PPA was renamed.

So, head over to /etc/apt/sources.list.d, and

Code: Select all

cp iconnor-zoneminder-precise.list
vi iconnor-zoneminder-precise.list
and change

Code: Select all

deb precise main
deb-src precise main

Code: Select all

deb precise main
deb-src precise main

Then... do an apt-get update, then apt-get install zoneminder, and back in business! (And upgraded to 1.28.1 along the way as well. Meh, whatevs!)