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Is my ISP to blame?

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:35 pm
by RyGy7
So my ISP isn't very good but due to my location they are the only game in town. I have zoneminder 1.26 on ubuntu 14.04, 6 POE camera's, cheap only, 100Mbps interfaces each as well as the POE switch. My installation works fine locally but I've noticed and issue when I access the montage remotely...basically my internet service crashes. Now i'm accessing via web browser OR zm view app, either causes access to my IP to go down. The following is my ISP stats and zm error msg.

Down 10Mbps
Up >1Mpbs

Frame send time 54161 msec too slow, throttling maxfps to 10.00
Frame send time 49461 msec too slow, throttling maxfps to 6.67
Frame send time 49812 msec too slow, throttling maxfps to 10.00
Frame send time 4001 msec too slow, throttling maxfps to 0.26
Frame send time 2790 msec too slow, throttling maxfps to 0.26
Frame send time 1971 msec too slow, throttling maxfps to 0.39
Frame send time 1763 msec too slow, throttling maxfps to 0.59
Frame send time 3213 msec too slow, throttling maxfps to 0.88

Seems to be just slightly less crushing over http as opposed to https (I prefer)
My thoughts are I am simply crushing the bottleneck at the upload. My question is are there any settings I can change to compress or put less stress on the stream? Or am I forced to fork over more $$ to this monopoly.

btw $10/month more gets me 15down / 2up
$30/month more gets me 60down/3up