Wansview 650ga setup 720p

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Wansview 650ga setup 720p

Post by teraquad »


How do i setup this(rtsp://user:pwd@ in zoneminder? This is the configuration i used for my images in vlc. My camera is a Wansview 650GA. The camera is a 1080p but i have chosen 720p ch1 for band width purposes. I have tried many combinations and have not hit upon it yet.

If anyone can show me my errors i would greatly appreciate it. I am using zoneminder 1.28.1 And am using 3 other cameras that work fine. so the system seems ok!

I have followed instructions on a Blog that had promise but that doesn't seem to work for me.

Thanks !
Fedora 23, ZM 1.28
N4ZPO (ham Radio)
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