Send mail when camera fails

Forum for questions and support relating to the 1.29.x releases only.
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Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:51 pm

Send mail when camera fails

Post by sidserra »

Hi there,

Is it possible to configure the Zoneminder to send e-mails when a camera fails? In the Zoneminder older versions this is "partial" possible, when the camera fails and back online later the Zoneminder sends me a mail to alert me, but in the new Zoneminder version this isn't possible (I can't configure any filter to do this...). Any help? Excuse me my poor English, hehehe... :D
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Re: Send mail when camera fails

Post by rockedge »

it may be possible by creating a Filter that does this. First setup EMAIL in Options Email and the camera is in MODECT or NODECT then make a filter that does:
Cause > equal to > Signal
then select > Email details of all matches.
In theory a failing camera will throw a Signal message as Cause of a event, activating the filter which sends the email.

So camera set to detect or be triggered for an event.
set up EMAIL in the Options
create a filter to detect the Cause "Signal" and send the email

Hope this helps you find the solution.