Linked monitors question...

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Posts: 76
Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:51 am

Linked monitors question...

Post by Tantamount »

I've got two cameras looking at my driveway from different angles. What I'd like is to record from both cameras any time there is an alarm from one of them.

I thought the solution to this was to link the monitors for the different angles. So LeftGarage would link to RightGarage, and vice versa.

It seems like this is configured correctly -- an event was triggered from RightGarage, and when I look at the events, I can see a "linked" event for the LeftGarage, however, when I attempt to view the LeftGarage event, nothing appears, and I see these errors in the log:

Code: Select all

016-02-12 18:12:58.589937	web_js		2609	ERR	getCmdResponse stream error: socket_sendto( /var/lib/zoneminder/sock/zms-709320s.sock ) failed: No such file or directory - checkStreamForErrors()	?view=event	
2016-02-12 18:12:58.255589	web_php		2609	ERR	socket_sendto( /var/lib/zoneminder/sock/zms-709320s.sock ) failed: No such file or directory	/usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/functions.php	2371
2016-02-12 18:12:55.992545	zms		2852	ERR	Got signal 11 (Segmentation fault), crashing	zm_signal.cpp	54
I'm guessing a recording wasn't actually done?
3 ReoLink RLC-410
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12
Posts: 76
Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:51 am

Re: Linked monitors question...

Post by Tantamount »

Nevermind, I was doing what the FAQ mentioned I shouldn't -- looped the monitors.

So, just to be clear, if I link Monitor1 to Monitor2, but not Monitor2 to Monitor1, the linking is really bidirectional anyway, correct? If Monitor2 triggers, it will record on Monitor1 too?
3 ReoLink RLC-410
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12
Posts: 76
Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:51 am

Re: Linked monitors question...

Post by Tantamount »

Can anyone answer the linked monitor question? Is it bidirectional?
3 ReoLink RLC-410
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12