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Localhost not found in Servers Table. Fedora 23 zmrepo

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 7:19 pm
by linforpros
Zoneminder's logs show the following info. It is difficult to figure out where to clear it.

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2016-02-16 12:56:40.386501 undef 1761 INF No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.	zm_config.cpp	139

My attempt to resolve the issue was to run -f but it did not help. The command ran without errors.
Adding "localhost" to /etc/zm/zm.conf
# Host of this machine
does not help but produces errors:
ERR ZM_SERVER_HOST set to localhost in config, but not found in Servers table

Adding hostname and server name via the web errors out with:

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[code]SQL-ERR 'SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'Hostname' in 'field list'', statement was 'INSERT INTO Servers set Name = 'Serv1.29', Hostname = 'localhost''

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2016-02-16 13:15:57.764137	web_php		1711	ERR	ZM_SERVER_HOST set to localhost in config, but not found in Servers table.	/usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/config.php	183

Zoneminder was installed from zmrepo on fedora 23 in ver 1.29.0-2, and then updated via dnf upgrade to ver 1.29.0-3.

Also important is that streaming from cameras stops working if I leave "localhost" in zm.conf file.

Is there a way to fix this?

Re: Localhost not found in Servers Table. Fedora 23 zmrepo

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 5:15 pm
by PacoLM
Stop ZM and try to run " -f"

Re: Localhost not found in Servers Table. Fedora 23 zmrepo

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:29 pm
by knight-of-ni
ERR ZM_SERVER_HOST set to localhost in config, but not found in Servers table
This error means exactly what it says.
It is saying that you manually set ZM_SERVER_HOST in zm.conf to the value "localhost", but you have not put a corresponding value for the localhost entry under Options -> Server tab

I'm not sure why you decided to assign a value to ZM_SERVER_HOST, however.

The README instructions definitely did not say to do this: ... DME.Fedora

If you are trying to configure Multi-server, which is what this variable is for, then please follow the instructions here: ... erver.html

Re: Localhost not found in Servers Table. Fedora 23 zmrepo

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:38 pm
by knight-of-ni
INF No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode. zm_config.cpp 139
Probably answers my question in the previous post regarding why you set ZM_SERVER_HOST.
This is not an error message, but an indication things are working fine (unless of course you really are trying to configure Multi-Server). Notice the "INF" means, "INFO" and not Warning or Error.

Re: Localhost not found in Servers Table. Fedora 23 zmrepo

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:45 pm
by knight-of-ni

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SQL-ERR 'SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'Hostname' in 'field list'', statement was 'INSERT INTO Servers set Name = 'Serv1.29', Hostname = 'localhost''
I can't explain how this happened, but I can tell you how to fix this one.

Manually run this sql script:

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mywl -uroot -p zm < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_update-1.28.109.sql