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Remote source with type RTSP and auth
Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:47 pm
by scdickey
I have a new TMEZON 1/2.5" 2.0 Mega Pixel that I am trying to get to work with my zoneminder 1.29.0 system. Most of my other cams are Dahua IP cams and working great. Of course, this camera did not come with any docs to explain what the RTSP URL should be. I was able to find it using wireshark rtsp:// However; this does not contain any authentication information. I have tried adding the user:pw@ before the IP address of the camera but that does not seem to work. Basically the color of the monitor in zm is red no matter what I try. I also tried the ffmpeg option with the full URL but am now focused on the remote option with rtsp information. This seems to be the most relevant entry in the log file:
"Restarting capture daemon for roof-west, shared data not valid"
Config right now is source type: remote
Protocol: RTSP
Method: RTP/RTSP
Host name: admin:12345@
Host port: 554
Host Path: /ISAPI/streaming/channels/101/trackID=1
24-bit 1920x1080
I even tried disabling RTSP auth and enabling anonymous access in the camera and removing the user/pw but that did not work either.
Hope someone is using one of these cams and can shed some light on what it takes to get them to work.
Re: Remote source with type RTSP and auth
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 2:46 am
by scdickey
To add more info to this issue:
I have just confirmed that I can open the stream successfully with VLC using this URL: rtsp://admin:12345@
I am not sure if the fact that these same parameters do not work in zoneminder indicate that the device is just incompatible or if there is something else I can tweak to get it to work.
Any advise is appreciated.
Re: Remote source with type RTSP and auth
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 1:11 pm
by bbunge
If you can get VLC to work Zoneminder, too, will work with ffmpeg and/or libvlc using the same string in the Source Path. As we have stated time and again you have to have the capture height and width cited exactly to the pixel!!! I'll not rant on about this but there are several tools you can use to explore your camera. ONVIF Device Manager is one if your camera is ONVIF compatible.
Re: Remote source with type RTSP and auth
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:30 pm
by scdickey
Thanks for the info and confirmation of what i thought was the case. I am able to connect to the camera with ONVIF Device Manager. Using exact same string as in VLC...interestingly enough the URL/MRL that ONVIF DM users to display video is different than the one I discovered with wireshark and different again from that provided by the support vendor. The resolution as configured on camera and as indicated in ONVIF DM details is 1280x720 which is how I have zm configured. I get exact same symptom with zm crapping out and process crashing in log.
I have tried remote/rtsp and ffmpeg/libvlc with various combinations of settings...i think all combinations of relevant settings have been tried.
Strange...just not sure what else to look at or try. Hours into this and ready to send the camera back and stick with one of the other types I have successfully working.
Thanks all for reading and chiming in...
Re: Remote source with type RTSP and auth
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:42 pm
by stewarc6
Hey scdickey -
Have you gotten any further on your setup? I'm having some similiar issues that I posted over in
viewtopic.php?f=34&t=24350. I feel like I'm on the right track as I'm also able to get a stream up in VLC, but some of the logs that I'm getting from ZoneMinder are a little weird. ie, I get an error for the reason "success" with one of my configs.
Interestingly enough to note, I was able to get a stream into VLC without using the camera credentials that are needed when accessing the manufacturer html stream.
I'd bargain that we will have a similar setup at the end of the day, just wondering if some of us noobs can tackle camera inclusion options while the pros can focus on more pressing issues..
Re: Remote source with type RTSP and auth
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 9:21 pm
by darkonc
Try using the FFMPEG source instead of the RTSP source...
I tried using Source Type:FFMPEG (on the General page)
then on the Source page I set the Source Path to:
Code: Select all
(basically whaever RTSP source URL you used for VLC)