I have 3 active cameras connected to a GV-900 capture card. Card is configured under bttv.conf with code 157 as GV-800. I had this working with an older installation of zoneminder installed on debian for the past 3-4 years. I have finally decided to reinstall the server since the old ext3 linux format had file number limitation per folder.
I installed the new 1.29 zoneminder version on 14.04 ubuntu as per instructions from wiki, meaning I installed it via maintained ppa and not via ubuntu repository. I setup the bttv.conf as I had it previously and the cameras are working.
I have problem with the image quality and the interlacing. No matter what capture width/height I set (even 320 by 240) the moving images get interlaced. Also the still images even though there is no motion they look blurred. By blurred I dont mean the whole image is blurred but for example in previous install I could see the license plate of the moving cars in front of my house as they pass by and now I cannot.. I guess something has been changed in zoneminder image processing module and I appreciate any help on resolving this issue.
1.29 interlace issues that did not exist in previous versions
Re: 1.29 interlace issues that did not exist in previous versions
I suspect that you will discover that the issue is with your capture card on a newer version of Linux. I seem to recall seeing something about this a while back. You may have to go back to Ubuntu 12.04 to get your card to work correctly. Maybe someone else has some experience with this...
Oops.. I may have been wrong. I found another forum post where the user had set the card up with code 77
Oops.. I may have been wrong. I found another forum post where the user had set the card up with code 77
Re: 1.29 interlace issues that did not exist in previous versions
An update on the issue. The interlacing occurred even on 320x240. I tried different options and I for deinterlacing options I was trying with V4L2. Interlacing still showed no matter V4L2 options. Then I tried other deinterlacing option then V4L2 and the interlacing was gone. Not sure why V4L2 is not working (I read somewhere an issue with latest kernel in 14.04) and not sure why interlacing is happing on 320x240. So the issue with interlacing is resolved but I still have not very clear images. Any idea on that is appreciated.