Can't open /dev/shm/zmswap-i00xxx.jpg: Permission denied

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Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:03 am

Can't open /dev/shm/zmswap-i00xxx.jpg: Permission denied

Post by gcarbone »

Hello all!

I just installed a brand new CentOS 7.2 system. I installed zoneminder, configured 1 camera, and even got zmNinja working with live views!

I'm now playing with the alerting capabilities, and realized that it will not playback any recordings for an event. When I click on the event, the picture shows the broken link symbol and in the logs I get the following error

Can't open /dev/shm/zmswap-i00xxx.jpg: Permission denied

where xxx can be any random number. I'm hoping someone has run into this before, because I don't see how to resolve this. FYI, the link given for the broken image is as follows, in case it helps:


Any help or guidance would be appreciated.


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Re: Can't open /dev/shm/zmswap-i00xxx.jpg: Permission denied

Post by bbunge »

Looks like you set your PATH_SWAP to /dev/shm

Make sure that you have just /dev/shm in the value box and that there is no trailing space. This may not be a fix for your problem but I remember something like it when I set up a ZM on Centos 7

Also make sure that you have free space in /dev/shm for 999 jpeg's and your mapped memory files.
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:03 am

Re: Can't open /dev/shm/zmswap-i00xxx.jpg: Permission denied

Post by gcarbone »


Thank you for the suggestion. I switched the path over to a larger disk space and that seems to have resolve the problem!

