Disappearing events on remote hdd

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Joined: Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:06 pm

Disappearing events on remote hdd

Post by jHeron »

Clean install of Fedora 23_64 workstation and mariadb
Installed zm from fedora repo: sudo dnf install zoneminder. Which installed zm version 1.28.1, realized that this version has no ffmpeg or vlc libs so I removed and installed 1.29 from zmrepo.
I then comment out the script alias in the httpd.conf file as per the wiki
Events get recorded streaming works, all OK until:
I want to use a spare 1TB disk for the events so I follow the directions from the wiki and edit my fstab so the important parts now look like this:

Code: Select all

#big disk mount for zm
UUID=blablabla /home/pvr/bigDisk	ext4	defaults	0 1
#links for zm events
/home/pvr/bigDisk/zm/events /var/lib/zoneminder/events	 none defaults,bind 0 2
Now everything appears to work OK the events get recorded to the disk as expected except the events disappear from the gui within a minute of being recorded. The events are still there on the bigDisk but the gui cant find them and shows zero events. Another issue is now the disk space indicator in the gui shows 94% which is inaccurate too.
I tried using symlinks instead of the fstab change and it has the exact same result.
I am at a loss of what to do next.
Any guidance would be appreciated!