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Foscam wake/sleep not working

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:06 pm
by RobLevine
I've been using ZM for a while now - I just reinstalled my system with the newest Ubuntu & ZM from the instructions - version 1.29. I use Foscam indoor and outdoor cameras - most two to three years old. The controls worked on them fine with the older ZM, but now I can't get any of them to "wake" or "sleep" , i.e. turn the IR lights on or off. I tried all the profiles that are included in the distro. The pan/tilt functions DO work on the cameras, just not the sleep and wake functions.

Re: Foscam wake/sleep not working

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:00 pm
by RobLevine
So I figured this out - in the Control Device field under the control tab you used to specify username:password; now it has to be in this form: user=USERNAME&pwd=PASSWORD