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1080p storage usage

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:40 pm
by alienbaby
new to Zoneminder.

I've installed Zoneminder 1.29 on CentOS 7 on a four core VM dedicated to doing just Zoneminder.
One Camera, Wansview NCM751GA 1080p .

Getting video from the camera using RTSP from Stream 1 (/live/ch0).. 1920x1080 at 15 frames a second.
Currently on mode Record.

Should it be using 286GB a day?

Disk usage for July 19.
# du -s -h 19

My goal is to have 30 days of recorded video for each Camera.. but that math comes out to about 9TB per camera..

Any way to get that down without sacrificing quality.. I believe the jpeg compression/quality is still at the default (70%).
Maybe storing the events as something other than JPEGs of each frame.

Re: 1080p storage usage

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:49 pm
by ccc
Do you need 15fps?

There is a branch with x264 storage.