SteveGilvarry wrote:In the interest of full disclosure I normally run 24x7 Record and not motion detection.
I understand, and that's where I have been with iSpy, and part of why I am working on xtion to Zoneminder.
SteveGilvarry wrote:Please feel free to turn on motion detection in cheap IP camera for true definition of worthless.
Yes, BTDT. Again, part of the reason I am here....because I wanted the ability to tune the detection.
SteveGilvarry wrote:The statistics are pure data for the specific alarm, so they don't match. That could do with being fixed to report on % area when that is the zone definition I don't disagree.
OK, so I am not *totally* lost in this. Thank you. So maybe I need to "put up" and offer some changes to address my own criticism....that's how this open source thing is supposed to work, right?
Perhaps I can understand the PL enough to build an alternative output page for index.php?view=stats&eid=eventnumber&fid=framenumber that would be more traceable to the parameters one can tune/adjust in the zone configuration. This means I have to reverse engineer what the code is doing, and I dont know perl....should be a fun intellectual challenge for a rainy day, if ever we get one.
I want to see statistics that fall into line with the adjustments I can make, so if the adjustments are:
Code: Select all
Min/Max Pixel Threshold (0-255)
Filter Width/Height (pixels)
Zone Area
Min/Max Alarmed Area
Min/Max Filtered Area
Min/Max Blob Area
Min/Max Blobs
Overload Frame Ignore Count
Extend Alarm Frame Count
I would want to see a stats page which displays something like
Code: Select all
Pixel Threshold
Alarmed Area
Filtered Area
Blob Area
Overload Frame Ignore Count and Extend Alarm Frame Count dont make sense in the context of a single frame, right? So those should be displayed on the event frames page, not on the individual frame stats page, right?
Also, based on the user guide, there are some things being displayed which I think shouldnt be. For example, if one selects blob as the method, then filtered pixels and filtered area shouldn't event be shown on either the config page or the stats page since (according to the guide) they are effectively disabled. Am I right on that or wrong? If Im right, same thinking should be applied to the other two methods. Maybe instead of not displaying them, simply display "not used" so its clear to the newb like me.
This form of a stats page would allow the user to look at the stats and make substantive, effective adjustments to the zone config.