FFMPEG with remote method set to RTP/RTSP/HTTP is not working in Fedora 23

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FFMPEG with remote method set to RTP/RTSP/HTTP is not working in Fedora 23

Post by pape68 »

Hi All,

I have 2 ZM install

One on Ubuntu 1404 , zm 1.29.0 where RTSP_TRANSPORT can have http, I mean I use with no probs FFMPEG with remote method set to RTP/RTSP/HTTP

one on Fedora 23, zm 1.29.0, where RTSP_TRANSPORT cannot have http, blu screen will be there if such option is used
(Unable to open input rtsp://admin:xxxxxxx@ due to: Operation not supported)

Cameras are Vcatch bullet, chinese things, which work great ONLY with .remote method set to RTP/RTSP/HTTP It means on Ubuntu install and on Fedora Install, ZM is not able to handle properly the streams via ffmpeg if I use transport different from http. Well I assume it will be like that if I can have ZM on Fedora handling that :D :D :D .
I'm then forced to use RTSP_TRANSPORT set to HTTP, but no chance to have that in Fedora.


do I have to rebuild ZM for fedora to have that ?
or do I have to change ffmpeg libs only ?
or do I have to swap fedora for ubuntu ?

Installed UBUNTU 16.04 did not help as well. FFMPEG coming with that, also is not having the RTSP_TRANSPORT possible to be set to HTTP.
Installed Fedora 24 and ZM from ZMREPO, same result. See debug log related to one monitor:

07/27/16 11:24:05.111462 zmc_m1[9298].DB2-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/222 [OpenFfmpeg called.]
07/27/16 11:24:05.111485 zmc_m1[9298].DB2-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/244 [Number of Options: 2]
07/27/16 11:24:05.111513 zmc_m1[9298].DB2-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/252 [set option 1 'rtsp_transport' to 'http']
07/27/16 11:24:05.111526 zmc_m1[9298].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/261 [Calling avformat_open_input]
07/27/16 11:24:26.055645 zmc_m1[9298].ERR-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/433 [Open video took more than 20 seconds.]
07/27/16 11:24:26.091091 zmc_m1[9298].ERR-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/271 [Unable to open input rtsp://YYYY:XXXX@192.168.YY.XX:554/mpeg4cif due to: Operation not supported]

Found that on the 14.04 was not coming with ffmpeg, but I installed from a PPA. Such package was having that feature on and ZM was able to use that library and to handle HTTP option properly. See here the debug log for the same monitor, but working installation:

07/27/16 11:08:01.577990 zmc_m8[28442].DB2-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/222 [OpenFfmpeg called.]
07/27/16 11:08:01.578055 zmc_m8[28442].DB2-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/244 [Number of Options: 2]
07/27/16 11:08:01.578123 zmc_m8[28442].DB2-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/252 [set option 1 'rtsp_transport' to 'http']
07/27/16 11:08:01.578141 zmc_m8[28442].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/261 [Calling avformat_open_input]
07/27/16 11:08:01.772982 zmc_m8[28442].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/276 [Opened input]
07/27/16 11:08:01.773019 zmc_m8[28442].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/283 [Calling avformat_find_stream_info]
07/27/16 11:08:05.979134 zmc_m8[28442].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/288 [Got stream info]
07/27/16 11:08:05.979153 zmc_m8[28442].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/307 [Found video stream]
07/27/16 11:08:05.979163 zmc_m8[28442].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/315 [Found decoder]
07/27/16 11:08:05.979167 zmc_m8[28442].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/322 [Calling avcodec[h264 @ 0x7f757996a5c0] detected 4 logical cores_open2]

Is there any reason why ffmpeg libraries miss such option ?

How to include HTTP as RTSP_Transport option ? I do not see any way to recompile the FFMPEG coming from ZMREPO. Any advice how to ?

Thx for suggestions.
