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H264 Camera Passthrough no video stored on disk

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:39 pm
by janisii

I'm trying to setup ZM to record videos using H264 Camera Passthrough, but have no luck - video file is not created/stored on disk. I'm having a lot of ERR in log. Maybe some of you could explain, what's wrong with my install?
zmc_error_h264_passthrough.png (154.77 KiB) Viewed 7454 times
add-apt-repository ppa:iconnor/zoneminder-feature-h264-videostorage

# dpkg -l | grep zoneminder
ii zoneminder 1.30.0-xenial-2016100301 amd64 video camera security and surveillance solution
ii zoneminder-doc 1.30.0-xenial-2016100301 all ZoneMinder documentation

I could use H264 Encode option, but as I have 15 cameras, my CPU is going mad and ZM stops itself after overload. H264 Encode option works perfectly, I can watch videos via HTML5 player, etc.

Thanks for your help.

Re: H264 Camera Passthrough no video stored on disk

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:48 pm
by janisii
I have tried to fetch video from commandline and it works perfectly good. Video and audio is recorded correctly.

$ ffmpeg -i rtsp:// -acodec copy -vcodec copy dump.mp4

Console output.
zm_console.png (193.34 KiB) Viewed 7451 times

Re: H264 Camera Passthrough no video stored on disk

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:53 pm
by janisii
And playback of dump.mp4 in browser.
zm_console_palyback.png (456.97 KiB) Viewed 7451 times

Re: H264 Camera Passthrough no video stored on disk

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:29 pm
by janisii
Debug information

Code: Select all

# cat zm_debug.log.11154
10/18/16 16:25:54.121542 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_logger.cpp/234 [LogOpts: level=DB5/DB5, screen=OFF, database=ERR, logfile=DB5->/var/log/zm/zm_debug.log.11154, syslog=DB9]
10/18/16 16:25:54.121854 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_utils.cpp/262 [Detected a x86\x86-64 processor with SSSE3]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122156 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_db.cpp/101 [Success running query: select Id, Name, ServerId, Type, Function+0, Enabled, LinkedMonitors, Device, Channel, Format, V4LMultiBuffer, V4LCapturesPerFrame, Protocol, Method, Host, Port, Path, Options, User, Pass, Width, Height, Colours, Palette, Orientation+0, Deinterlacing, RTSPDescribe, SaveJPEGs, VideoWriter, EncoderParameters, RecordAudio, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Colour, EventPrefix, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, LabelSize, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, StreamReplayBuffer, AlarmFrameCount, SectionLength, FrameSkip, MotionFrameSkip, AnalysisFPS, AnalysisUpdateDelay, MaxFPS, AlarmMaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc, AlarmRefBlendPerc, TrackMotion, SignalCheckColour, Exif from Monitors where Id = 8]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122175 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/2813 [Got 1 for v4l_captures_per_frame]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122194 zmc_m8[11154].DB2-zm_camera.cpp/40 [New camera id: 8 width: 700 height: 400 colours: 3 subpixelorder: 6 capture: 1]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122803 zmc_m8[11154].DB2-zm_image.cpp/190 [Blend: Using SSE2 fast blend function]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122821 zmc_m8[11154].DB2-zm_image.cpp/226 [Delta: Using SSSE3 delta functions]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122825 zmc_m8[11154].DB2-zm_image.cpp/270 [Deinterlace: Using SSSE3 delta functions]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122829 zmc_m8[11154].DB2-zm_image.cpp/283 [Image buffer copy: Using SSE2 aligned memcpy]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122833 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_image.cpp/290 [Setting up static colour tables]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122879 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/402 [monitor purpose=1]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122885 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/411 [mem.size=42005864]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122897 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/561 [Unable to map file /dev/shm/zm.mmap.8 (42005864 bytes) to locked memory, trying unlocked]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122903 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/564 [Mapped file /dev/shm/zm.mmap.8 (42005864 bytes) to locked memory, unlocked]
10/18/16 16:25:54.122907 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_monitor.cpp/593 [Aligning shared memory images to the next 16 byte boundary]
10/18/16 16:25:54.131957 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/467 [Monitor 2A has no zones, adding one.]
10/18/16 16:25:54.132009 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_zone.cpp/51 [Initialised zone 0/All - 1 - 700x400 - Rgb:0000ff, CM:3, MnAT:15, MxAT:0, MnAP:50, MxAP:75000, FB:3x3, MnFP:50, MxFP:50000, MnBS:10, MxBS:0, MnB:0, MxB:0, OF: 0, AF: 0]
10/18/16 16:25:54.133181 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/477 [Monitor 2A has function 4]
10/18/16 16:25:54.133198 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/478 [Monitor 2A LBF = '', LBX = 0, LBY = 0, LBS = 1]
10/18/16 16:25:54.133203 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/479 [Monitor 2A IBC = 50, WUC = 25, pEC = 25, PEC = 25, EAF = 1, FRI = 1000, RBP = 6, ARBP = 6, FM = 0]
10/18/16 16:25:54.133594 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_zone.cpp/957 [Got 1 zones for monitor 2A]
10/18/16 16:25:54.133612 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_zone.cpp/989 [Parsing polygon 0,0 699,0 699,399 0,399]
10/18/16 16:25:54.133617 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_zone.cpp/823 [Parsing polygon string '0,0 699,0 699,399 0,399']
10/18/16 16:25:54.133622 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_zone.cpp/861 [Got coordinate 0,0 from polygon string]
10/18/16 16:25:54.133626 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_zone.cpp/861 [Got coordinate 699,0 from polygon string]
10/18/16 16:25:54.133630 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_zone.cpp/861 [Got coordinate 699,399 from polygon string]
10/18/16 16:25:54.133633 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_zone.cpp/861 [Got coordinate 0,399 from polygon string]
10/18/16 16:25:54.133637 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_zone.cpp/881 [Successfully parsed polygon string]
10/18/16 16:25:54.133642 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_zone.cpp/51 [Initialised zone 8/All - 1 - 700x400 - Rgb:0000ff, CM:3, MnAT:25, MxAT:0, MnAP:8399, MxAP:210000, FB:3x3, MnFP:8399, MxFP:210000, MnBS:5600, MxBS:0, MnB:1, MxB:0, OF: 0, AF: 0]
10/18/16 16:25:54.134736 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_monitor.cpp/3092 [Loaded monitor 8(2A), 1 zones]
10/18/16 16:25:54.134747 zmc_m8[11154].INF-zmc.cpp/250 [Starting Capture version 1.30.0]
10/18/16 16:25:54.134758 zmc_m8[11154].INF-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/113 [Priming capture from rtsp://]
10/18/16 16:25:54.134763 zmc_m8[11154].DB2-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/239 [OpenFfmpeg called.]
10/18/16 16:25:54.134777 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/271 [Calling avformat_open_input]
10/18/16 16:25:54.139099 zmc_m8[11154].WAR-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/287 [Option loglevel not recognized by ffmpeg]
10/18/16 16:25:54.139115 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/291 [Opened input]
10/18/16 16:25:54.139120 zmc_m8[11154].INF-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/293 [Stream open rtsp://]
10/18/16 16:25:54.139124 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/304 [Calling avformat_find_stream_info]
10/18/16 16:25:56.547958 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/309 [Got stream info]
10/18/16 16:25:56.548035 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/349 [Found video stream]
10/18/16 16:25:56.548070 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/357 [Found decoder]
10/18/16 16:25:56.548087 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/364 [Calling avcodec_open2]
10/18/16 16:25:56.549704 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/369 [Opened codec]
10/18/16 16:25:56.549759 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/388 [Allocated frames]
10/18/16 16:25:56.549781 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/400 [Validated imagesize]
10/18/16 16:25:56.549797 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/403 [Calling sws_isSupportedInput]
10/18/16 16:25:56.549849 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.549879 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.549908 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.549933 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.552860 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.553467 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.553975 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.554678 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.555178 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.555654 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.556990 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.557519 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.561016 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.561081 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.561109 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.564531 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.564582 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.564599 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.564801 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.564845 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.564867 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.569017 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.569440 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.569921 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.572612 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.572691 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.572804 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.572836 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.572854 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.573598 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.573647 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.574506 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.574542 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.574554 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.586385 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.586445 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/580 [Got frame 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.592294 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.592327 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.592457 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.592482 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/580 [Got frame 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.598253 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.598282 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.598373 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 2]
10/18/16 16:25:56.598395 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/580 [Got frame 2]
10/18/16 16:25:56.601917 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.602013 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 3]
10/18/16 16:25:56.602030 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/580 [Got frame 3]
10/18/16 16:25:56.605529 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.605550 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.605636 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 4]
10/18/16 16:25:56.605654 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/580 [Got frame 4]
10/18/16 16:25:56.610924 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.610951 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.611046 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 5]
10/18/16 16:25:56.611062 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/580 [Got frame 5]
10/18/16 16:25:56.614362 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.614381 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.614459 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 6]
10/18/16 16:25:56.614479 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/580 [Got frame 6]
10/18/16 16:25:56.617799 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.617894 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 7]
10/18/16 16:25:56.617917 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/580 [Got frame 7]
10/18/16 16:25:56.621422 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.621449 zmc_m8[11154].DB5-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/564 [Got packet from stream 1]
10/18/16 16:25:56.621546 zmc_m8[11154].DB4-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/577 [Decoded video packet at frame 8]
10/18/16 16:25:56.621566 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/580 [Got frame 8]
10/18/16 16:25:56.621576 zmc_m8[11154].DB3-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/603 [Video module initiated with audio stream]
10/18/16 16:25:56.621594 zmc_m8[11154].ERR-zm_signal.cpp/50 [Got signal 11 (Segmentation fault), crashing]
10/18/16 16:25:56.744562 zmc_m8[11154].DB1-zm_signal.cpp/61 [Signal information: number 11 code 128 errno 0 pid 0 uid 0 status 0]
10/18/16 16:25:56.744580 zmc_m8[11154].ERR-zm_signal.cpp/81 [Signal address is (nil), from 0x55e58b8f7f80]
10/18/16 16:25:56.845204 zmc_m8[11154].ERR-zm_signal.cpp/102 [Backtrace 0: /usr/bin/zmc(_Z14zm_die_handleriP9siginfo_tPv+0x78) [0x55e58b940ff8]]
10/18/16 16:25:56.934408 zmc_m8[11154].ERR-zm_signal.cpp/102 [Backtrace 1: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f23775e83d0]]
10/18/16 16:25:57.023657 zmc_m8[11154].ERR-zm_signal.cpp/102 [Backtrace 2: /usr/bin/zmc(_ZNK7Monitor14getOrientationEv+0) [0x55e58b8f7f80]]
10/18/16 16:25:57.112853 zmc_m8[11154].ERR-zm_signal.cpp/102 [Backtrace 3: /usr/bin/zmc(_ZN12FfmpegCamera16CaptureAndRecordER5ImagebPc+0x2b5) [0x55e58b99d275]]
10/18/16 16:25:57.157507 zmc_m8[11154].ERR-zm_signal.cpp/102 [Backtrace 4: /usr/bin/zmc(_ZN7Monitor7CaptureEv+0x2e6) [0x55e58b8f4676]]
10/18/16 16:25:57.202192 zmc_m8[11154].ERR-zm_signal.cpp/102 [Backtrace 5: /usr/bin/zmc(main+0x76e) [0x55e58b8d89ae]]
10/18/16 16:25:57.246930 zmc_m8[11154].ERR-zm_signal.cpp/102 [Backtrace 6: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f237362c830]]
10/18/16 16:25:57.291582 zmc_m8[11154].ERR-zm_signal.cpp/102 [Backtrace 7: /usr/bin/zmc(_start+0x29) [0x55e58b8d9739]]
10/18/16 16:25:57.336181 zmc_m8[11154].INF-zm_signal.cpp/109 [Backtrace complete, please execute the following command for more information]
10/18/16 16:25:57.336233 zmc_m8[11154].INF-zm_signal.cpp/110 [addr2line -e /usr/bin/zmc 0x55e58b940ff8 0x7f23775e83d0 0x55e58b8f7f80 0x55e58b99d275 0x55e58b8f4676 0x55e58b8d89ae 0x7f237362c830 0x55e58b8d9739]

# addr2line -e /usr/bin/zmc 0x55e58b940ff8 0x7f23775e83d0 0x55e58b8f7f80 0x55e58b99d275 0x55e58b8f4676 0x55e58b8d89ae 0x7f237362c830 0x55e58b8d9739

Re: H264 Camera Passthrough no video stored on disk

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:35 am
by knight-of-ni
Steve Gilvarry is your man to answer issues regarding the h264 branch.
I've noticed activity in our irc channel talking about audio causing the stream to crash. From your debug log, it looks like your video has audio embedded in it. Try turning the audio off for now.

That's it. That's all I know.

Re: H264 Camera Passthrough no video stored on disk

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:38 am
by SteveGilvarry
Audio might be one thing to check, as even aac is not passthrough OK at the moment. But I believe if the flag is off on the storage tab then it should be handling the video stream fine and ignoring the audio.
The segfault is coming from getOrientation, which is relatively new from Iconnor. Maybe try the storageareas ppa as that has h264 and some other stuff and might not have this issue. At some point we will probably merge these two branches as we are both working on it

Re: H264 Camera Passthrough no video stored on disk

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:37 am
by janisii
SteveGilvarry wrote:Audio might be one thing to check, as even aac is not passthrough OK at the moment. But I believe if the flag is off on the storage tab then it should be handling the video stream fine and ignoring the audio.
The segfault is coming from getOrientation, which is relatively new from Iconnor. Maybe try the storageareas ppa as that has h264 and some other stuff and might not have this issue. At some point we will probably merge these two branches as we are both working on it
Thanks, I'll try storageareas ppa. :)

Re: H264 Camera Passthrough no video stored on disk

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:35 pm
by janisii

Code: Select all

Setting up libxml-sax-expat-perl (0.40-2) ...
update-perl-sax-parsers: Registering Perl SAX parser XML::SAX::Expat with priority 50...
update-perl-sax-parsers: Updating overall Perl SAX parser modules info file...
Replacing config file /etc/perl/XML/SAX/ParserDetails.ini with new version
Setting up libsoap-wsdl-perl (3.003-1) ...
Setting up zoneminder (1.30.8-xenial-2016101201) ...
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 324: Duplicate column name 'Orientation'
dpkg: error processing package zoneminder (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
storageareas ppa at the moment is broken. Will wait for an update. :)

Re: H264 Camera Passthrough no video stored on disk

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:47 am
by janisii

I was able to install storageareaes ppa and it does record video with passthrough method. It's really good! :) But there is problem with playback in HTML5 player, all videos are shown as X with error message. However video on server does exists and I can playback it via browser default player :)

"The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported."

Will wait for "storageareaes" merge in to main branch :) Will it ever happen, how do you think?