messaging code was not using the SSMTP_MAIL option.
I modified the sendMessage around line 916 (just before mail is sent at the line "### Send the Message") as follows:
Code: Select all
#start of mod
if ( $Config{ZM_SSMTP_MAIL} ){
my $ssmtp_location = $Config{ZM_SSMTP_PATH};
if( ! $ssmtp_location ){
$ssmtp_location = qx('which ssmtp');
if ( logDebugging() )
Debug( "which ssmtp: $ssmtp_location - set ssmtp path in options to suppress this message\n" );
$mail->send( 'sendmail', $ssmtp_location, $Config{ZM_MESSAGE_ADDRESS} );
MIME::Lite->send( "smtp", $Config{ZM_EMAIL_HOST}, Timeout=>60 );
# end of mod
# comment out:
### Send the Message
#MIME::Lite->send( "smtp", $Config{ZM_EMAIL_HOST}, Timeout=>60 );