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Mod to sent text message to two cell phones

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:11 pm
by zmguy
I wanted to get sms messages to two different mobile phones so i hacked in these changes.

In MESSAGE_ADDRESS put in both numbers separated by a semi-colon:;

These changes are all done in

function: checkFilter (just a portion)

Code: Select all

        if ( $Config{ZM_OPT_MESSAGE} && $filter->{AutoMessage} )
            if ( !$event->{Messaged} )
                #$delete_ok = undef if ( !sendMessage( $filter, $event ) );

                my $ma;
                $ma = $Config{ZM_MESSAGE_ADDRESS};

                if ( $ma )
                    my @fields = split /;/, $ma;
                    my ($ma1, $ma2) = @fields[0, 1];

                    $delete_ok = undef if ( !sendMessage( $filter, $event, $ma1 ) );

                    if ( $ma2 )
                        #$delete_ok = undef if ( !sendMessage( $filter, $event, $ma2 ) );
                        sendMessage( $filter, $event, $ma2 );
function: sendMessage (replace entire function)

Code: Select all

sub sendMessage
    my $filter = shift;
    my $event = shift;
    my $message_address = shift;

    if ( ! $Config{ZM_FROM_EMAIL} )
        Error( "No 'from' email address defined, not sending message" );
        return( 0 );
    #if ( ! $Config{ZM_MESSAGE_ADDRESS} )
    if ( ! $message_address )
        Error( "No message address defined, not sending message" );
        return( 0 );

    Info( "Creating notification message\n" );

    my $subject = substituteTags( $Config{ZM_MESSAGE_SUBJECT}, $filter, $event );
    return( 0 ) if ( !$subject );
    my @attachments;
    my $body = substituteTags( $Config{ZM_MESSAGE_BODY}, $filter, $event, \@attachments );
    return( 0 ) if ( !$body );

    Info( "Sending notification message '$subject'\n" );

        if ( $Config{ZM_NEW_MAIL_MODULES} )
            ### Create the multipart container
            my $mail = MIME::Lite->new (
                From => $Config{ZM_FROM_EMAIL},
                #To => $Config{ZM_MESSAGE_ADDRESS},
                To => $message_address,
                Subject => $subject,
                Type => "multipart/mixed"
            ### Add the text message part
            $mail->attach (
                Type => "TEXT",
                Data => $body
            ### Add the attachments
            foreach my $attachment ( @attachments )
                Info( "Attaching '$attachment->{path}\n" );
                    Path => $attachment->{path},
                    Type => $attachment->{type},
                    Disposition => "attachment"
            if ( $Config{ZM_SSMTP_MAIL} ){

                my $ssmtp_location = $Config{ZM_SSMTP_PATH};

                if( ! $ssmtp_location ){

                        $ssmtp_location = qx('which ssmtp');

                                        if ( logDebugging() )
                                        Debug( "which ssmtp: $ssmtp_location - set ssmtp path in options to suppress this message\n" );


                #$mail->send( 'sendmail', $ssmtp_location, $Config{ZM_MESSAGE_ADDRESS} );
                $mail->send( 'sendmail', $ssmtp_location, $message_address );


                MIME::Lite->send( "smtp", $Config{ZM_EMAIL_HOST}, Timeout=>60 );

            ### Send the Message
            #MIME::Lite->send( "smtp", $Config{ZM_EMAIL_HOST}, Timeout=>60 );
            my $mail = MIME::Entity->build(
                From => $Config{ZM_FROM_EMAIL},
                #To => $Config{ZM_MESSAGE_ADDRESS},
                To => $message_address,
                Subject => $subject,
                Type => (($body=~/<html>/)?'text/html':'text/plain'),
                Data => $body

            foreach my $attachment ( @attachments )
                Info( "Attaching '$attachment->{path}\n" );
                    Path => $attachment->{path},
                    Type => $attachment->{type},
                    Encoding => "base64"
            $mail->smtpsend( Host => $Config{ZM_EMAIL_HOST},
                             MailFrom => $Config{ZM_FROM_EMAIL}

    if ( $@ )
        Error( "Can't send email: $@" );
        return( 0 );
        Info( "Notification message sent\n" );
    my $sql = "update Events set Messaged = 1 where Id = ?";
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql )
        or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
    my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} )
        or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() );

    return( 1 );