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show USE_DEEP_STORAGE in zm 1.30

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 8:07 pm
by FacundoPultera
Good afternoon dear

Currently in production I have a server with zoneminder version 1.28. (Centos 6.8 )
To update, install on another server the version of zoneminder 1.30. (Centos 6.8 )

Reading the zoneminder github link:

In one section it says the following:

"The option USE_DEEP_STORAGE has been hidden." This option has been enabled for many years, and this option was turned off in the near immediate deletion of events from the disk. No longer be modified from Options.In the unlikely event that you have a working system not already using deep storage, please contact us so we can get that enabled without your data.

Is there any possibility of disabling the USE_DEEP_STORAGE option?

Greetings and thank you very much.

Re: show USE_DEEP_STORAGE in zm 1.30

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 12:05 am
by bbunge
You really do not want to disable that on a new system. Deep storage creates more directories so there is less likelihood that you will reach the max number of files in a directory. Yes, newer file systems are less prone to getting errors with a large number of files (remember 255?) but why take the chance.

Re: show USE_DEEP_STORAGE in zm 1.30

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 12:06 pm
by FacundoPultera
Thanks for replying bbunge

I need to disable this option, since in the system we have a data purge and backup done in bash and we discard the problem.

To make a transparent upgrade and keep the entire data system clean, I need to deactivate this option.

any ideas?

Re: show USE_DEEP_STORAGE in zm 1.30

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 1:37 pm
by knight-of-ni
Note that the quoted documentation states that the feature was hidden. It does not say the feature is automatically turned on, nor does it say that simply upgrading to a new version of zoneminder will automatically turn it on. Consequently, I'm not sure what you want from us.

If you have a third party piece of software which only works on the old filesystem structure then it will continue to work.

However, I do need to point out that, moving forward, third party software should use the API to access zoneminder's events, rather than directly accessing the files. When using the API, one does not need special knowledge about the filesystem structure, and when that structure changes (not if), the third party software does not need to be rewritten. This is important to understand because a future version of zoneminder will record to video container files rather than jpegs. When that happens the underlying filesystem structure will certainly change.

Re: show USE_DEEP_STORAGE in zm 1.30

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 5:22 pm
by FacundoPultera
Good afternoon dear

I solve the inconvenience.

You can close the post.


Re: show USE_DEEP_STORAGE in zm 1.30

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:39 pm
by raydude
Can someone explain to me the difference between deep, medium and shallow? I can't get 1.32 to recognize my existing files because it is looking in 20YY-mm-dd and my folders are YY/mm/dd...

I need to get it to read them again...