Strange alarm frame

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Strange alarm frame

Post by marcolino7 »

I have 6 IP camera configured in Mocord mode.
on each camera I have some zone Inclusive and Preclusive.
Sometime on 2 specific camera I got some fast alarm frame (1 second) and if I open the frame, I get a complete red square in the frame, but no specific motion. Here is an example:
2017-02-13 14_57_02-ZM - Frame - 19942 - 232.jpg (29.05 KiB) Viewed 1583 times
Here is how my zone is configured:
2017-02-13 14_57_58-ZM - Zones.jpg (70.23 KiB) Viewed 1583 times
How can i remove this behavior if is possible?

Many Thanks
Production Zoneminder 1.31.4 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on VmWare ESXi
6 Cameras FOSCAM FI8918W
OpenHab Integration
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Re: Strange alarm frame

Post by chevelle67 »

Based on my limited experience, with two types of cameras first one was an IP CMOS, and my latest using this now analog CCD type and capture card, and I got a lot of noise in the first one IP CMOS and got a ton of false alarms some had those red perimeter outlines. With my latest CCD camera, I traded a bit of less picture quality for zero false alarms and I am liking this trade off for my situation using MODECT.

When I change my camera settings like the HUE, Color ect, I will get this red outline so I am thinking maybe some CMOS/IP cameras may be causing your issue it did for me. Maybe this is part true my experience is limited and I am still experimenting myself but I am happy with my latest setup.