- creat a grid (style bootstrap) with some square defined by user (example 10x10)
- in background of the grid the user can insert image/photo, google earth screenshot or other
- user can choose size of the image on the grid and move it (in case the image does not cover the entire grid)
- user can said to the script where is each camera in the grid (can add more than one cam for one cell in the grid)
- when event is detected, the square attached to the camera blink and display camera name (if more than one camera send event, possibly list them in a select html tag)
- click on the square opening the camera screen
- mouve mouse to a square (:hover) displaying informations about this square (list of active/inactive camera in this range, zone and others infos add by user) on the right on the mouse or on the left of the mouse when no place on the right.
Map (photo, image, google earth) displaying detection
Map (photo, image, google earth) displaying detection
I have an idea of feature :
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:59 am
Re: Map (photo, image, google earth) displaying detection
i think it's a good idea