Page 1 of 1 exit with error 9 as soon as FTP transfer is enabled

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:29 pm
by fradaxx
Hi all,

I have a Zoneminder 1.30.2 installation on my UDOO Quad dev. system (Ubuntu 12.04); I installed it after successfully compiling from source.
It works very well from about 2 months with my 4 netcams(3 D-Link DCS-932L and one Foscam 9803EP); I updated from v.1.28.1 to have the possibility to use Zoneminder's APIs with zmNinja.
From the first install I enabled the e-mail signaling of alarm events and it works very well.
Only some days ago I tried for the first time to enable the FTP upload of event images but I noted that zmfilter goes immediately in error after the launch with the "classic" error message: ' ' exited abnormally, exit status 9. Zoneminder also stops to send e-mails. If I uncheck the OPT_UPLOAD option and restart Zoneminder, e-mail signaling works again.
I am unable to obtain any other debug info in the log file even if I check the UPLOAD_DEBUG option in the UPLOAD tab of options page (I see in the syslog file on /var/logs folder).
Moreover, looking into the session log of the FTP server I don't see any activity related to Zoneminder (no connection attempts at all).
Is there anyone that can suggest me if there is some other log files to analyze to try to solve this specific problem?
Any hint will be appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

Re: exit with error 9 as soon as FTP transfer is enabled

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 9:42 am
by fradaxx
I solved the problem by myself manually launching after stopping ZoneMinder. I discovered that the perl module Archive::Zip was missing in my system; after installing it upload of event frames has started working perfectly!