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Pi Zero + Camera to Pi 3

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 3:48 pm
by Toto
Hi guys. Is it possible to connect the zero with the camera with USB cable to an Raspberry Pi 3.

1) Micro USB cable into the pi zero data Port 2) connect it with an USB Port of the Pi 3

In other words: the Pi Zero is used like an USB camera with the Pi 3

Can i use this with zoneminder?

Re: Pi Zero + Camera to Pi 3

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 6:33 pm
by mikb
I'd say "NO" on the grounds that both USB ports there are host ports, you need one host and one end-device.

You could connect them by network, with appropriate software to read the camera picture and stream it to the other Raspberry PI.