After I updated the system to 1.31.35 I encountered problems with the Update Space filter, I had to disable it because I was locking the machine.
SQL failed: (UPDATE Events SET Orientation = 0, Height = 480, Executed = 0, AlarmFrames = 23, Uploaded = 0, Name = Event-25352, MonitorId = 5, Cause = Motion, StorageId = 1, Videoed = 0, Emailed = 0, StartTime = 2018-02-06 07:49:50, DefaultVideo = 25352-video.mp4, Width = 640, EndTime = 2018-02-06 07:49:05, Messaged = 0, AvgScore = 3, Archived = 0, DiskSpace = 3389302, MaxScore = 8, TotScore = 84, Notes = Motion: All, Frames = 73, StateId = 1, Length = 15.19 WHERE Id = 25352): Unknown column 'MonitorId' in 'where clause'
Problem if filter UPDATE DISKSPACE
Re: Problem if filter UPDATE DISKSPACE
Similar problem after updating to 1.31.35
2018-02-06 10:33:37.136520 zmfilter 9147 ERR SQL failed: (UPDATE Events SET Frames = 1816,StateId = 1,Orientation = 0,Videoed = 1,EndTime = 2018-02-06 10:27:00,AlarmFrames = 0,Uploaded = 0,Emailed = 0,StartTime = 2018-02-06 10:24:00,Archived = 0,Cause = Continuous,Height = 720,Notes = ,Length = 180.08,StorageId = 0,Executed = 0,AvgScore = 0,MaxScore = 0,DiskSpace = 86087207,TotScore = 0,Name = Event-5340,Width = 1280,DefaultVideo = 5340-video.mp4,Messaged = 0,MonitorId = 1 WHERE Id= 5340):Unknown column 'MonitorId' in 'where clause'
Re: Problem if filter UPDATE DISKSPACE
yeah you need .36
Re: Problem if filter UPDATE DISKSPACE
yes... .36 working, thank you