Zoneminder Compilation Toolchain, Tips?

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Zoneminder Compilation Toolchain, Tips?

Post by mysterylectricity »

I'd like to make some minor changes in Zoneminder, as indicated in my previous post here:

viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26453&p=101918&hil ... ed#p101918

What tools would I need, and would I need any libraries not included with the tools or Zoneminder.

I think a read a post that said in essence "don't bother recompiling Zoneminder, you'll have to use cmake etc." A reference to that post would be appreciated.

A brief outline of the steps I'd need to go through from start to finish would also be appreciated.

As for my background, I come from the Bad Old Days ~1989-1998, SunOS and Sun Solaris, when "make" was the rule rather than the exception. Although I found make to very very obtuse and never really understood it, by hammering away at it until the Sun came up I was always able to get the job done.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
