zmNinja - ZM-User permission

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zmNinja - ZM-User permission

Post by junior »

I've installed zmNinja Android App which is used to enable/disable monitors of a zoneminder v1.30.4 instance. Unfortunately this is only possible if the user has the System-Edit privilege (Monitor-Edit privilege is not sufficient !) Probably this is a security bug within the ZM-API, since it works from the Web-GUI ?

Are there any workarounds / bugfixes so far?

Kind regards
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Re: zmNinja - ZM-User permission

Post by rockedge »

yes there is a way. modify the code a little to add the logic. here is an example:
you want a Monitor-Edit privilege so a limited user has the ability to turn a monitor on/off?

make sure you modify the correct "skin" code.

I tested version 1.31.1 and with a user called "justlook" that has privileges to Stream=view, Monitor=edit
in zmNinja logged in as "justlook" and I was able to turn on/off and enable/disable each monitor individually and globally.