Low CPU usage

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Low CPU usage

Post by apolonio »

Was hoping to use an old laptop as a zoneminder NVR box. Looking at about 4 1080P streams via H.264 RTSP streams.

If I do not do any image analysis, (MONITOR, RECORD or NODECT) to CPU requirements drop or is there still a high CPU requirement due to the need to decode those streams?

The laptop is a Dell 6510 Core i5, 2.67Ghz, 4GB of RAM, and a 5400RPM 1TB drive. Gig ethernet.
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Lee Sharp
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Re: Low CPU usage

Post by Lee Sharp »

You will need to decode the h264 and then display it, so there is some work. And 1080p is not lightweight. I have 4 720 streams in a VM with 2 cores and 3 gig of ram and I am getting close to the limits when I am looking at video. This is with modetect however.
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