I have a couple of 1080P PoE IP cameras I got off of ebay.
Once and a while the camera would go out and I would have to reboot it.
I have been using the web interface to manually reboot it, but I would like to use telnet and an expect script to reboot it (this works with some cameras I purchased on Amazon)
I did portscan the box and found that port 23 (telnet was open). I tried several root passwords I found on the Internet but still could not log in. I did come across firmware that matches these cameras and was able to get the file system using binwalk and unsquashfs. I was able to get /etc/passwd (there is no /etc/shadow).
I got this from /etc/passwd
I am not familiar with the hash, I tried an online password decoder (crackstationDOTnet) I guess I could try John the ripper, but was hoping someone would recognize this type of hash.
root password of camera
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