No preview thumnail images in timeline view

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Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:06 pm

No preview thumnail images in timeline view

Post by toodr »

Zoneminer, compiled from git, as of today, set in record mode, produces events and ONLY bulk frames (like this - 100,200,300 etc.) When hovering with the mouse In timeline view I don't see any preview images for the corresponding events and frames,
because it is trying to show me frames with id(1), and there are only frames with id=100, 200 , 300 etc.
How can I go about this? Set number of images per bulk frame = 1?

Then won't I see a very high activity at the mysql server?

My system is Slackware Current, kernel 4.17.6, MariaDB-10.3.8, PHP-7.2.7
x86_64 AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-Core Processor, 8 Gb memory