ZoneMinder + FreeNAS SMB

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ZoneMinder + FreeNAS SMB

Post by trillobite »

FreeNAS v.11.1
ZoneMinder v.1.30.4

Followed this guide: ... ive_or_NAS

Everything works, except when I turn a monitor to "record" I get the following error: "Can't symlink '2' to 'Monitor-2': Operation not supported" "zm_monitor.cpp 495"

I do not even know where to go from here, I searched other forum posts and mostly found responses somewhere along the lines of "well, it's working for everyone else..." It looks like this is an issue that is very specific to combining FreeNAS 11.1 and ZM 1.30.4, as it appears older versions of the two would work together just fine.

What are my options?
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Re: ZoneMinder + FreeNAS SMB

Post by bbunge »

Are you using Ubuntu and if so which version?
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Re: ZoneMinder + FreeNAS SMB

Post by trillobite »

Thanks for the reply, I did forget to mention that I am running Ubuntu 18.04. I sadly won't be able to work on this machine until Monday, but any input would be helpful.

The only way I have been able to get Zoneminder to store anything on the NAS was to setup an iSCSI, and mount it to Linux by following these guides: ... iator.html ... h-freenas/

Then, I followed the guide on the ZoneMinder wiki for storing on a separate drive by UUID.

However, for some reason I was only able to get the iSCSI drive to format to a maximum size of 4TB, although because I was strapped on time, I didn't investigate it much further. The system is up, and recording with enough storage for at least the weekend, but I would rather be able to simply follow the guide in the Zoneminder wiki, as it would result in a system which is far less complex, and would most likely provide more storage.

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Re: ZoneMinder + FreeNAS SMB

Post by bbunge »

I am not an "expert" with FreeNAS but I see it has the ability to use the ZFS file system. Using the NAS with a RAID or a single drive should work. NFS export using the systemd mount may be the best for performance but could pose some security complications. SMB on the NAS will also work with the systemd mount. The instructions in the WIKI for Ubuntu were written for 16.04 but should work for 18.04. Make sure your zoneminder is set up and configured on the server before trying to add the remote drive.
If you continue to have issues I can set up a test system to see if my procedures have problems...
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Lee Sharp
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Re: ZoneMinder + FreeNAS SMB

Post by Lee Sharp »

FreeNAS will do NFS and you will have much less trouble then with smb.