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script towards domoticz

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:56 pm
by Trigun
Hi all,

Hopefully there is someone who can help me out here.
I am fairly new to zoneminder bu I am already hooked. I got my first camera up and running and its working like a charm.
I've read a lot of things about setting up filters that start a script but I have no ide how to set this up.

I set a filter that when detection is noticed a scripts needs to be run towards domoticz.
the idea is to set a virtual switch when zoneminder is sees movement.

The curl that needs to be run is as follows:
curl http://DOMOTICZIP:PORT/json.htm?param=switchlight&type=command&idx=58&switchcmd=On

can someone tell me how to set this up?

thanks in advance!

Re: script towards domoticz

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:24 pm
by Trigun
ok, from CLI I got it working. its now a matter of activiting it via the filter settings.
hopefully there is someone who is able to help.

thanks anyways

Re: script towards domoticz

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:42 pm
by DerGraf
I have solve it with zmeventserver. It´s a bit overloaded for my things to do but it works. I use it to trigger ioBroker.

Install an configure it like the README.
After install and make sure is working without errors, modify that file at line 504 right after @push_events.....
Insert a line like

Code: Select all

if ($mid == 1) { system('wget -q'); }
$mid is the Camera ID in my case.

Of course you can make more lines for more cams after that.

Hope it helps.