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[SOLVED] ZMC and ZMDC Segmentation Faults

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 8:54 am
by clumsy
Just as information if others also run into this issue as it cost me quite a lot of time......

After upgrading to latest Opensuse Tumbleweed with ffmpeg 4.02, MariaDB 10.2.17 and Zoneminder 1.32 ZMC and ZMDC craashed with segfaults and RIP's..

Invested a lot of tie tracking down the issues and found 2 problems:

libswscale does not seem to cope with 32Bit images (camera-settings), chanign back to 24Bit solved the ZMC crashes

perl DBD::mysql connector crashes when reopening MariaDB databses. Discussed here: and a temporary fix / PR here:

PS: feel free to ask if more details wanted/needed

EDIT1: seems with latest git version from 28.9.2018 it works again with 32Bit camera setting!