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Dumb question How does ONVIF scanning work?
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:42 pm
by kingofkya
My question is basically how, does it determine what to scan ? does it just subnets that its directly connect to? Or is it some multicast thing.
I ask because I am useing ZM in a docker with a that has specific ports forwarded. As its stands now i haven't got onvif cameras scan to work inside docker works with normal install just fine though. Just warranty some direction to chase the issue, or even some good docs on onvif.
Re: Dumb question How does ONVIF scanning work?
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:21 am
by Nocifer
Here you go: ... c-v210.pdf
Supposedly it's a multicast.
I'll admit that my experience with docker containers is minimal to say the least, but ports should not (key word: SHOULD not) be an issue since the ZM server is the one initiating the connections from within the docker container, and I'd guess it utilizes some kind of port-opening method when ONVIF scanning. On the other hand, if on a normal install everything works properly, then it could indeed be a port problem. For more info the ZM logs would be needed, so we can know where exactly the connection falters.
Re: Dumb question How does ONVIF scanning work?
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:12 pm
by kingofkya
From what i was looking at in the code its pretty basic scanning an ip range but i think the issue it only scans directly connected subnets and dosetn't have an ability top specify a subnet to scan. Because scanning a 172.1.10/30 has no point.
Re: Dumb question How does ONVIF scanning work?
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 11:03 am
by bkjaya1952
You will have to create a zoneminder docker container with -p 80:80 --net=host
Please visit the following link for more details ... er-mysql8