Can't add monitor
Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 4:30 pm
In adding a new monitor, I get the following error. This seems to indicate that Port is not being defined, but it's correctly entered in the RSTP string and there are no fields in the dialog where I can add it explicitly. How do I fix? Thanks. Eric
SQL-ERR 'SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'Port' cannot be null', statement was 'INSERT INTO Monitors SET `LinkedMonitors` = NULL, `Name` = 'Barn-L', `ServerId` = NULL, `StorageId` = '1', `Type` = 'Ffmpeg', `Function` = 'Mocord', Enabled = 1, `RefBlendPerc` = '6', `AlarmRefBlendPerc` = '6', `AnalysisFPSLimit` = NULL, `MaxFPS` = '30', `AlarmMaxFPS` = '30', `Triggers` = '', `Device` = '/dev/video0', `Channel` = '0', `Format` = '255', `Palette` = '0', `V4LMultiBuffer` = NULL, `V4LCapturesPerFrame` = '1', `Protocol` = NULL, `Host` = NULL, `Port` = NULL, Method = 'rtpRtsp', `Options` = NULL, `Path` = 'rtsp://admin:passwd@', `User` = NULL, `Pass` = NULL, `Colours` = '4', `Width` = '1280', `Height` = '720', `Orientation` = '0', `Deinterlacing` = '0', `SaveJPEGs` = '0', `VideoWriter` = '1', `EncoderParameters` = '# Lines beginning with # are a comment \r\n# For changing quality, use the crf option\r\n# 1 is best, 51 is worst quality\r\n#crf=23', RecordAudio = 0, RTSPDescribe = 0, `LabelFormat` = '%N - %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S', `LabelX` = '0', `LabelY` = '0', `LabelSize` = '1', `ImageBufferCount` = '20', `WarmupCount` = '0', `PreEventCount` = '0', `PostEventCount` = '5', `StreamReplayBuffer` = '0', `AlarmFrameCount` = '1', `EventPrefix` = 'Event-', `SectionLength` = '600', `FrameSkip` = '0', `MotionFrameSkip` = '0', `AnalysisUpdateDelay` = '0', `FPSReportInterval` = '100', `DefaultView` = 'Events', `DefaultRate` = '100', `DefaultScale` = '100', `WebColour` = 'red', Exif = 0, `SignalCheckPoints` = '10', `SignalCheckColour` = '#0000c0', `ControlId` = '12', `ControlDevice` = '', `ControlAddress` = '', `AutoStopTimeout` = NULL, `TrackDelay` = NULL, `ReturnLocation` = '-1', `ReturnDelay` = NULL, Sequence = 1' params:
SQL-ERR 'SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'Port' cannot be null', statement was 'INSERT INTO Monitors SET `LinkedMonitors` = NULL, `Name` = 'Barn-L', `ServerId` = NULL, `StorageId` = '1', `Type` = 'Ffmpeg', `Function` = 'Mocord', Enabled = 1, `RefBlendPerc` = '6', `AlarmRefBlendPerc` = '6', `AnalysisFPSLimit` = NULL, `MaxFPS` = '30', `AlarmMaxFPS` = '30', `Triggers` = '', `Device` = '/dev/video0', `Channel` = '0', `Format` = '255', `Palette` = '0', `V4LMultiBuffer` = NULL, `V4LCapturesPerFrame` = '1', `Protocol` = NULL, `Host` = NULL, `Port` = NULL, Method = 'rtpRtsp', `Options` = NULL, `Path` = 'rtsp://admin:passwd@', `User` = NULL, `Pass` = NULL, `Colours` = '4', `Width` = '1280', `Height` = '720', `Orientation` = '0', `Deinterlacing` = '0', `SaveJPEGs` = '0', `VideoWriter` = '1', `EncoderParameters` = '# Lines beginning with # are a comment \r\n# For changing quality, use the crf option\r\n# 1 is best, 51 is worst quality\r\n#crf=23', RecordAudio = 0, RTSPDescribe = 0, `LabelFormat` = '%N - %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S', `LabelX` = '0', `LabelY` = '0', `LabelSize` = '1', `ImageBufferCount` = '20', `WarmupCount` = '0', `PreEventCount` = '0', `PostEventCount` = '5', `StreamReplayBuffer` = '0', `AlarmFrameCount` = '1', `EventPrefix` = 'Event-', `SectionLength` = '600', `FrameSkip` = '0', `MotionFrameSkip` = '0', `AnalysisUpdateDelay` = '0', `FPSReportInterval` = '100', `DefaultView` = 'Events', `DefaultRate` = '100', `DefaultScale` = '100', `WebColour` = 'red', Exif = 0, `SignalCheckPoints` = '10', `SignalCheckColour` = '#0000c0', `ControlId` = '12', `ControlDevice` = '', `ControlAddress` = '', `AutoStopTimeout` = NULL, `TrackDelay` = NULL, `ReturnLocation` = '-1', `ReturnDelay` = NULL, Sequence = 1' params: