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Which one to install on Linux Mint 19.1

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:54 am
by dudesplace
I have various Linux distro's Mint 19.1 x64, Lite, and Bodhi Linux as well. Just wondered which to install.
I would prefer to install on LM 19.1 x64..
Question: Is the Debian install the OS and ZM server? As in, is this what to use just to build a ZoneMinder box only?

Re: Which one to install on Linux Mint 19.1

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:44 pm
by Aktarus
Not sure to get your point.

Basically, you first need to install Linux and then follow one our the installation guides available in the online documentation: ... index.html

The easiest solution is to install one the Linux Distros for which there is an installation guide for ZoneMinder, i.e. Debian, Ubuntu, RH...

Re: Which one to install on Linux Mint 19.1

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 7:14 pm
by SkippyDo
In case someone trips across this...

Make sure that you select a version of ZM that actually works on the intended platform. I jumped up to version 1.32 and found that I couldn't make it stable under Debian (because I had to run the development branch of Debian- most likely not a ZM issue). Had to revert to 1.30 (on Debian Stretch).